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Rory McIlroy was 'harassed' by crazy fans while playing

Initially, McIlroy was annoyed, then he took decisive action to block this audience from continuing to act.

In the third round of the BMW Championship 2022, when the No. 1 golfer was preparing to putt the ball at the 15th hole, there was an audience who deliberately put the remote-controlled ball on the green for unknown purposes.

Initially, McIlroy was annoyed, using a putter to drive the ball away. However, the troublemaker continued to control the ball into the hole for the third time. At this point, he began to approach, pick up the ball and throw it straight into the lake near the green.

Then, new security staff appeared and escorted the troublemaker out. Scott Stallings, who played in the same team as McIlroy, said: "He kept looking at Rory and shouting 'It's my dream.' I don't know what he was dreaming, and the ball was gone. Rory behaved right. I was going to do it too.".

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