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How to hit the Baby Draw

When you watch a Professional play in competition more often than not they are shaping the ball one way or another. This allows them to play through visualization by creating images in their heads of ball flights they wish to achieve and then execute them through feel rather than getting bogged down in swing thoughts.

A great way to practice would be to intentionally learn how to curve the ball in different directions as this would give you the necessary awareness and feelings of how the golf club moves to create varying ball flights.

The Draw Shot

A draw shot is where the ball that starts to the right of target and curves back on to the target for a right handed golfer.
Through science and research we now understand what has to happen to curve a golf ball. The ball's flight pattern is primarily dependent on the club face orientation at impact, and that approximately 85% of the ball's initial flight direction is determined by the club face orientation while only 15% of the initial flight direction is dependent on the club head path at impact. By creating differences in the face and the club heads path we tilt the balls axis and curve the ball.
To hit a draw the club face must be pointing to the right of the target line (Open) at impact and the clubs path must be moving further to the right than the angle of the club face.
A good combination would be a club head path that is 4 degrees right-of-the-ball-target line, and a club face orientation that is 2 degrees right-of-the-ball-target line (50% of the club head path). That combination would produce a ball flight where the ball starts off just to the right -of the ball-target line, and draws back to the center (ball-target line) later in its ball flight.

Baby Draw Shot

Set up with your body aligned to the right of your target. This should encourage the club to be swing to the right. Aim the club face also to the right of the target, but not as far right as that of the body aim. The ball should be moved a touch back in the stance to ensure good ball ground contact. This set up encourages a shallower more rightward swing.

As you swing the club along your body line you will notice the club head in is still behind my hands and you can still see the grip of the club moving up and to the right ensuring that is the direction the club travels right through impact.

Make sure you finish the swing in good balance, with your hips and chest facing the target with the club across the back of your neck and 90% of the pressure on your front foot.

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