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Bao Bao: The “Racer” on fairway  

Following the Vinpearl DIC Legends Tour 2023 event, Bao Bao is a name to remember after she unexpectedly reached the Top 3 Final Rounds competing for Best Amateur, as well as owning the Longest Drive. VGL enjoys an engaging chat with the professional female star about this golfing "miracle" and her journey to the top.


What helped you play brilliantly at the tournament? Is it the spirit of a racer?

For me, this is a miracle because I have never had such good results. This probably thanks to the "mindset" of a racer: focus, no mistakes, because just a small distraction can cost the team victory, or even the racer's own life! Stepping on the accelerator on the track is like choosing the desired club and swinging the decisive ball. Thanks to being a racer, I have trained myself to have very good physical strength. If everyone is exhausted from playing for 4 days, I can still compete for 6 consecutive days without getting tired. 

As a woman, I want to show "The Legends" that Vietnamese women are not inferior to men! I brought the spirit of a “racing warrior” into the Legends Tour and am very proud of what I have done!

Nguyễn Gia Bảo took a photo with President and Legends Tour ambassador, Michael Campell (black shirt on the far left), Mr. Ryan Howsam, Chairman, The EU Legends Tour (White shirt) and Mr. Marius Camber – Advisor to the Legends Tour Board of Directors.

Did you feel pressured when competing with Legends?

Strangely, I felt extremely comfortable! I have learned many things from them, so the more I play, the more relaxed I felt!

I learned a lot and felt lucky to have opportunity to play with the "veterans". Their golf skills is completely different from amateurs. They often discuss carefully with their caddies before making a shot and have a very clear strategy. For example, even though they have ability to attack the pin, they still choose a less dangerous way to get the desired score. The way they choose clubs when conquering the links course Vinpearl Nha Trang in windy conditions is also very good. Once they decide which club to play, they are very confident. 


Racing and golf, which sport is more expensive for you?

Definitely it is racing. Because there is no professional racetrack in Vietnam, so every time I practice, I have to fly back and forth a lot. Besides that, the cost of renting a racetrack is also very expensive. The characteristic of racing is that you have to pay to race, just like golf, so the more you play at the top, the more money you will spend. Every time I race in Europe, on average I spend about 150,000 USD. If you tend to pursue this sport, it surely takes you much time, money, and effort.

What do the two sports have in common? Which will you choose to play for a long time?

At a glance, you will see the two sports very different because one sport is slow and the another is very fast, but if you consider carefully, they are both similar in "virtue", which is high concentration, precise calculation and physical strength.

I will play both golf and racing for the rest of my life if my health allows. After each race, I feel more energized. Witnessing the speed at which everyone worked, perfect in every detail and without any deviation, I learned a lot and was also very interested in breaking through all limits, how to "unlock the great ego" within each person. 

If everyone practices 100%, I will spend 200-300% more energy trying.

As a businesswoman, how do you satisfy your passions?

It's important that you know how to balance, I have my own training and rest regime. There are 4 “muscle systems” that I focus the most time on: thinking system,  physical system, spiritual system and  emotional system. Even love and forgiveness must be practiced every day to increase our energy.


In your opinion, what do women and golf have in common?

I actually see a lot in common. Golf and women are both extremely attractive. They are both so charming that everyone want to conquer. The more challenging a woman or golf course is, the more it will stimulate the desire to explore.

Do you think female golfers are "overlooked" at many tournaments?

I see this happenned in many tournaments and this is also the reason I founded Ho Chi Minh City Women's Golf Club 14 years ago, and recently The Golf House. I don't see many tournaments or activities for women to have the opportunity to interact and be motivated to play golf. The more serious and respectful you are, the more you will be recognized and respected by the community.

Always appearing prominently at events, what is your fashion sense?

Actually, I sometimes wear very "manly" clothes, but I like that because it helps me express my own personality. Just like playing golf, your personality will reveal when you play, so it is with fashion or racing. Fashion is a mirror that reflects the inner self. For me, fashion sense must come with aesthetics. I work in interior design and production, so I think I also have an eye for beauty. Luckily, everything is very harmonious, unique but not strange or over-the-top, so it also receives many positive compliments (smile).

What is your dream?

I am the founder of The Golf House and our mission is to bring golf closer to Vietnamese people. I am very lucky to have a co-founder, Mr. Le Van Lan - father of talented golfer Le Khanh Hung. We have the same mindset of training the young generation of golfers to have a warrior spirit, then golf in our country will develop very quickly.


Are you satisfied to be a woman?

I am very proud and lucky to be a woman because only women can experience motherhood. I am not the type of woman who likes to be surrounded and protected, but I really like the qualities of women, which are soft, flexible but also very strong.

How do you feel about being the mother of two little angels?

To me, motherhood is a very sacred and precious thing. The two kids are like my clones in some ways. Every time I look at my child, I want to improve that version every day. The two kids are like my friends and "chargers"! I am open and share with my children everything in life as well as work pressure. After 12 hours of work a day, spending time with my children really helps me balance, not be exhausted, and always find joy in life.

What is your opinion on happiness?

Happiness is not a destination, it is a journey. On that journey, be grateful for every moment. If you have an ambition, don't shy away. Don't waste time on trivial things. Prioritize the creativity, fire and potential that lies dormant within.

Have you ever thought you would need someone to rely on?

I think I can't force this but it's fate. When fate has not come or is not enough, the flower has not bloomed. If love comes then let it come, otherwise I think I'll still be happy and satisfied with what I have. It is important to live and be grateful for life every day.


Name: Gia Bao Nguyen / Nguyễn Gia Bảo 

HDC: 12

Quick chat

Use 3 words to describe yourself? Liberal – Fierce – Confident

Best score? 69

Longest drive? 240 yards

Your next goal in golf? Lower HDP to 5

Your best golf partner? Legends Tour President Ryan Howsam

On course per week? 1 round

Cups that you own? Nearly 200

Most favorite golfer? Michelle Wie

Strengths in golf? Mental stablity

Favorite quote? Everyone has the same 24 hours, so live meaningfully!

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